List of Sherman County, Kansas Opportunity Zones & OZ Funds

Sherman County, Kansas has 1 designated Opportunity Zone.

In total these Opportunity Zones have a population of approximately 4,700. That represents 79% of the county’s total population of 5,900.

The median household income for this Opportunity Zone is approximately $55,000 .

The adjacent map shows all Opportunity Zones in Sherman County. Click on any Opportunity Zone for additional information.

Opportunity Zone Map

Map created by

List of All Sherman County OZs

The table below lists all 1 Opportunity Zone in Sherman County. The first two rows show the state wide average and the average for all Kansas Opportunity Zones.

Name County Median Household Income Below Poverty Line Median Home Value Edu High School Median Age
All of Kansas n/a $62K 11% $163K 92% 37
Kansas OZ Average n/a $55K 13% $114K 94% 40
20181453700 Sherman $55K 13% $114K 94% 40

Kansas OZ Funds

To view Kansas Opportunity Zone funds, please visit our list of Qualified Opportunity Funds that are open to investors.



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